Alina & Dani » Wedding, Lugoj
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It’s almost impossible to convey the entire roller-coaster of emotions named ‘wedding’ in a handful of images, no matter how good they may be, so narrowing down a relevant selection is one of the hardest parts of the job. That being said, the following text is a rant of sorts, but it summarizes our photographic approach of the big day.
Most selections we see on the internet seem to be full of love and romance. But is this an accurate description of a wedding? Or is it just what photographers think is the way the bride and groom would want to see themselves in the images they receive? We are firm believers that a wedding photographer should approach things similar to a court typist, who simply transcribes what’s being said. Of course, photography is (still) considered an art and therefore there’s always going to be the subjective touch of each photographer on the delivered images. Nevertheless, interfering with the scene or moment is nothing more than a personal choice. We choose not to.
Back to the question… in question. Is a wedding all about romance? We don’t think it is. Because beyond all the romantic images and kind words, there’s a lot of stress in arranging a wedding party, even for those who use wedding planners. Not everything goes according to plan and not everything can be fixed on the fly. So there are a lot of variables in this equation that could nearly ruin the day for the groom and, even more so, the bride, who already are stressed out by the importance of the event. Let’s not forget that almost all the ladies dream of a wedding to remember (this implies all things going according to plan).
Ever met a bride all stressed out on her wedding day? Ever met a bride saying that her wedding is going to be an awful disaster? We did and it’s a real, genuine part of the emotional roller-coaster (almost) every bride (and sometimes the grooms) embark on the wedding day. Perhaps this is the main reason we choose to show all sides of the story, as good as we can. And also one of the reasons we don’t do the usual mid-wedding photo session, unless it’s something out of the ordinary. Of course, this doesn’t mean this is the right way but it’s what floats our boat. Besides, there is no right or wrong way to do this as everything is purely a matter of choice, taste or feeling.
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Tineri, frumoși, îndrăgostiți (acum și căsătoriți :)) ), artiști.
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Petrecerile de nuntă nu sunt atât despre miri cât despre oamenii care au venit să se bucure pentru miri, împreună cu ei sau cu ocazia lor. Și dintre toți aceștia, oamenii mici parcă se bucură cel mai sincer. Selecția pe care am făcut-o de data asta are ca numitor comun prichindeii, care au fost pur și simplu senzaționali.
Wedding parties are not so much about the bride and groom, but more about those who came to celebrate the newly weds, with them, for them or simply with this occasion. And from all of them, the little ones seem to do it with the most honesty. Our selection this time is centered around the kids, who were simply sensational.
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O nuntă ca un chef, într-o casă (sau mai bine zis în jurul unei case) veche, tradițională, dintr-un sat uitat între munți și dealuri, unde telefonul n-are semnal și viața n-are stres.
Ca să nu mai spunem că totul a fost “de casă”. 🙂
This was a very small wedding party in a very old, traditional Romanian house located in a village lost between hills and mountains, where there’s no signal on the phone and no stress in life.
By the way, everything was home made.
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De obicei așezăm slideshow-ul (sau mai bine zis ‘photofilm’-ul) la finalul postărilor, poate și din cauza faptului că, prin definiția termenului, fotograful face fotografii, nu filme (video). Pe de altă parte, o nuntă este de fapt un cocktail de imagini, culori, sentimente, momente, emoții, sunete, muzică. Fotograful are sarcina de a imortaliza, în măsura în care este posibil, toate aceste ingrediente, chiar dacă fotografiile par că nu au sunet.
Din punctul nostru de vedere, un photofilm este tot un fel de cocktail, pe care încercăm să-l preparăm în așa fel încât să aibă un gust cât mai apropiat de cel veritabil. Singura “concesie” este renunțarea la culori în favoarea unei prezentări mai armonioase și omogene.
Disclaimer: a sincroniza imaginile pe ritmul lui Florence+The Machine e un adevărat test de ureche muzicală. Ne cerem scuze dacă nu l-am trecut cu brio 🙂
Teo & Adi, într-o seară de iunie // Hanul din Tulgheș / Sibiu
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Oh, Fuck!
…I think, I love you.
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